Image Get your creative juices flowing and your pen ready and submit something for this weeks Weekly Writing Assignment Organise your though...
Image Get your creative juices flowing and your pen ready and submit something for this weeks Weekly Writing Assignment Organise your though...
Image Everyone's definition of success is different and just because someone else doesn't understand you and your goals does not mea...
I have offically streamlined my wardrobe and thrown away everything that I don't absolutely love. I can now focus on purchasing some new...
Image In a world where we are constantly bombarded with images and advice on every aspect of your lives telling us how to act, dress and be ...
Image " I cannot control how I am perceived, I can only control how I am presented" - Tim Gunn's Guide to Style
Picture Goals are a wonderful thing. They give you focus and a sense of accomplishment and structure, especially if like me you are s elf em...
I am so thrilled with all the fabulous submission :) The outfits are SO cute!! Please carry on creating and for those of you who haven't...
Image Since embarking on my own style quest for the "perfect wardrobe", the idea of the "closet essentials" or "bas...
Image I have read many a wardrobe taming article which re-iterates the importance of the "daily outfit" photo or simply the idea...
Jaguar Auto Car : 2010 Jaguar XKR Goodwood Special photo credit: Jaguar
Jaguar Auto Car : 2010 Jaguar XF Jaguar Auto Car : 2010 Jaguar XF Jaguar Auto Car : 2010 Jaguar XF Jaguar Auto Car : 2010 Jaguar XF Jaguar A...
Jaguar Auto Car : 2010 Jaguar XKR Jaguar Auto Car : 2010 Jaguar XKR Jaguar Auto Car : 2010 Jaguar XKR Jaguar Auto Car : 2010 Jaguar XKR Jagu...
Jaguar Auto Car : 2010 Jaguar XFR Jaguar Auto Car : 2010 Jaguar XFR Jaguar Auto Car : 2010 Jaguar XFR Jaguar Auto Car : 2010 Jaguar XFR Jagu...