Goals are a wonderful thing. They give you focus and a sense of accomplishment and structure, especially if like me you are s elf employed and therefore don't have the set rigid structure of getting up at a certain time each day and an office to go to. Structure and formality tend to fall by the wayside. And so, this week I am going to apply a technique learned from a fabulous book my mom bought me many moons ago when I was a "sweet young thing", as my high school biology teacher used to say, called The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens.

Each of us have our own goals for the future and for me, I have many and they are large and often seem unachievable but I keep planning focused. I however do find myself getting lazy or side tracked at times. So, in order to keep focused, it is important to break down these large goals in to smaller more achievable pieces and then into tiny bite sized morsels which can be achieved daily and weekly.

So, here are my goals for this week:

1.) Create a morning routine
2.) Get apartment listings for next year
3.) Send out invoices
4.) Brainstorm and work on blog articles
5.) Spring clean my space

I hope I have inspired you to set yourself a set of weekly goals to get to were you want to be :)

Have fun and enjoy :)
