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Women with medium curly hair is considered more care of their hair because hair is a medium state where damaged edges and poofy hair likes to appear. hairstyles and hair cuts short medium is very good, adding some parts of curls. The hair is completely different from straight hair. Its structure is different and its needs are different.

curly hair styles that look wonderful are the natural result of combining these two essential ingredients - the curly hairstyle, and care for curly hair. Long curly hair can be style reclining loops for a new look. curls can be exotic. Short curly hairstyles can be cut for the opportunity to give an elegant look. There are many ways to create loops.

Using a diffuser will lose influence, soft curls while a curling iron, you can choose the size of the loops and is more consistent, the new triple barrel curling iron a try. Cutting curly or wavy hair you want to use a comb or a choice. This is not a good idea to use a brush, such as hair brushes, tea. Tight curls you can wrap the hair around a pencil and dry with a diffuser, you can use less lämpörullat, or use a small barrel curling iron.