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July 21 Representatives introduced in January Schakowsky (IL), Ed Markey (MA) and Tammy Baldwin (WI) Law (HR.5786) that would tighten safety standards for cosmetics and give the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA ) power control products for personal care ingredients harmful. Current law allows the FDA to postpone decisions on the safety of cosmetic ingredients. In other words, the cosmetics industry regulates itself. According to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, the provisions of the bill:

* Phase ingredients linked to cancer, birth defects and adverse impacts of development;

* Create a security policy based on health, which includes protections for vulnerable populations such as children;

* Near labeling deficiencies requiring complete disclosure of ingredients on product labels, websites;

* Give workers access to information about hazardous chemicals in personal care products;

* Require the sharing of data to avoid duplication of testing;

* Provides funding for the FDA so that it has the resources it needs, if effective monitoring and

* A level playing field so that small businesses can compete fairly.