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Certainly, nobody wants to sagging breasts, but it can occur, especially if you still ignore to take care of your breasts. If you do not want your breasts to sag, find below causes that will help you better understand and know how to prevent and treat.

Getting to know why breast falls occur and how to cope

1. No Bra: If you're one of those girls who do not wear bras, realizes that destroy their breasts. This is because without a bra causes breast ligaments to work hard because there is nothing to help keep your breasts. The result is sagging breast condition.

2. Age: As we age, everything is always changing, including the condition of the breast. The older, less breast tissue you get. And this leads naturally to a difference in your breast firmness, but instead of giving breast.

3. Breastfeeding: Normally, women are almost to breastfeed, when it is time bound. And when you're a kid, you certainly do not want to give the best with milk. But definitely make a big change in your breast as you normally would when it comes to pregnancy and lactation, the breasts, of course, to produce more milk. Once they are sucked up and over time, your breasts will be smaller and shooting. It is for this failure of the breast is what many new moms face after feeding.

4. Weight loss: weight loss can cause instant breast sagging breasts which are usually composed of adipose tissue. When you lose weight, fat in all parts of the body, including fat breast, certainly in the fall. Even if you have the same volume of the breast, sagging breasts occurs because they lack fat.

5. Disease: This can also cause failure of the breast. Someone sick, and become thinner, the muscles in turn is atrophic, and this only affects the chest muscles.

6. Packing shoulder: If you're one of them, always wrap your shoulders and bent backs, so you get a breast sagging and poor character. From now on you need to sit at the computer, try to sit with your back straight and chest gay.

After realizing the cause of the fall of the breast, you know what not to. But sometimes, if you're struggling to avoid, then it must use more care of their breasts. You can exercise breast firming, breast massage and application of products to reaffirm the breasts. The most important thing is not to be lazy or can not get the firm and beautiful breasts, but the state of sagging of the breast.