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We all want healthy, bright, sensual, soft, soft lips. Although we are not used to it, we should all be aware that taking care of your lips is extremely important, especially during the cold winter days. Represent the transition region is a more sensitive skin on the lips, and prone to all the adverse external factors, such as wind, cold, UV rays and pollution. That's why you need to learn some basic tips to keep Lip Care are healthy and attractive.
The skin on the lips is five times more sensitive and more sensitive than a face. Therefore, we must pay particular attention to the lip of the treatment process. During the day, women are used to apply lipstick, lip gloss or lip balm on the lips. However, when it comes to skin care routine, all the stops for cleaning.

You should know that the lips make the membrane as well as one that protects the inside of the mouth, skin protection is still not as strong as the body. This means that moisture on the lips constantly evaporates and the water retention level is very low.

Since lips have different pigments or glands that contain fat, they can be considered as one of the most sensitive areas of the face. Although we are not aware of this, there are many factors that contribute greatly to our lips become dehydrated, dry, but also an unpleasant appearance and feel. In this context, we must be very careful and try to find and respect some basic lip care and tips. Besides all the products available in stores, there are also many natural, alternative home.
