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Rigid wrist exercises designed to loosen the joints of your wrists, improve your range of motion and reduce pain. Although the exercises of the wrist stiff can be achieved with a trainer or physical therapist, you can do more without help. Consult your doctor before starting any exercise program.

Exercise your wrist up and down

This region of motion exercises to loosen the joints and tendons are the wrists. Sitting in front of a table. Forearm placed on the edge of the table with his hand hanging over the edge. Bend your wrist until the fingers point toward the sky. Hold this stretch for five seconds. Bend your wrist down as much as possible and hold for five seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Rotation of the wrist

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Wrist Exercises drive

Standing and knees slightly bent and hands held in front of you. Make fists with both hands, holding his fists to miss the entire year. Rotate your wrists in the same direction, keeping your arms straight. Run times to use a slow controlled manner. When the 10 rounds, change direction, Gymnastics wrists in opposite directions.

The wrist rotation exercise

Sitting at a desk with your back straight and your wrist straight on the table. Place the palms on the table with his fingers touching the thumb and making a 90 degree angle with your index finger. To turn the doll beside the little finger, always keeping your forearm. Hold the stretch for five seconds. Return to the original position before moving the thumb, holding the position for five seconds. Repeat with both hands.

Palm rotation exercise

Stand with your arms at your sides, knees slightly bent. Bend your right arm at the elbow so the forearm and an angle of 90 degrees in the upper arm. With your palm facing the sky, rotate your hands away from your wrists so your palms are now facing the floor. When you make a rotation, to maintain his steady hand and blocked. Repeat 10 times with both hands before leaving.
