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Many women have this problem. Every time I try to relieve the first thing that goes to your breasts. You are not alone.

how to lose weight without losing breasts How to lose weight without losing Breast

It is difficult but not impossible to lose weight without losing Breast

You can lose weight without losing boobs if you're planning a bodybuilding workout specifically to target the chest. Some equipment that could be useful to do this is to use the ball, bench, dumbbells, or loose. If you belong to a gym is this device, as well as a dip there, the machine used for this purpose. You may also want to talk to coaches out there and let them know your target, can be assured that you are doing exercises correctly.

Weight training to lose weight without losing Breast

* Weight lifting - for weight lifting, keep in mind that the heavier the weight is going to build muscle in the chest to keep her breasts. Choose a weight you can do about 8 repetitions. Only complete sets of 2-3 repetitions per day for 3 to 4 days a week.

* Chest Fly - In this exercise, is to put back exercise bench, bench or exercise ball. Keeping the weight in your hand you can raise your hands above your chest with the above. Keep your hands under your shoulders when you do this lift. When they meet, then lower the weights down until your hands are even with your shoulders back.

* Chest Press - lay down on your exercise ball or bench holding the dumbbells above your shoulders with elbows bent. Press the weight of your chest, then slowly lower to starting position.

* Chest is great for building muscle in the chest. If you are unable to make the standard version in your hands and toes, you can get the same result in their hands and knees.

* If you have access to a drop in the machine to dive to help increase your pectoral muscles and lose weight without losing breasts.

Low repetitions to lose weight without losing Breast

When you do exercises that target your chest muscles you want to keep the repetitions low. Make a selection of exercises with minimal repetition, unless you want to look like a bodybuilder. Your goal is to build muscle just below the breasts while you lose weight so that the loss of fat replaced by muscle and tissue firmer.
