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Our company G.S. Log homes Ltd. is offering the opportunity of building your dream home in the best alternative way in utilising whole timber logs, creating beautiful, natural features using one of the many pre designs or custom made designs. We represent the world’s leading manufacturers in log homes.

Log homes define us and reflect our aspirations and lifestyle, ranging in shape and form from the smallest log cabin to the most inspiring of our creative abilities and that is just what G.S. Log homes Ltd. has to offer. A log home is an individually designed structure, which provides the ideal and healthiest environment one could ask for. The tranquil ambience of a log home is reflecting a feeling of wellness and is pleasing to the eye. Its warm atmosphere makes it ideal for the care and upbringing of our family.

After years of use of concrete and stone in most residential developments throughout the world, cause for concern is rightly growing. The concerns for some locations are not only based on increasing material costs, but as well on high costs of cooling or heating, due to changing climate conditions. As anyone may know, damp penetration is one of the major problems in concrete or stone built houses.

G.S. Log homes Ltd. have the answer to this problem, so much so that discerning owners and buyers alike are beginning to understand the exceptional qualities that natural log timber has to offer along with the benefits compared to concrete, steel frame or stone even timber framed homes. For centuries Log homes have been a way of build for people around the world, that have chosen to live in the harmony of a well balanced climate and atmosphere of a natural log home.
Home owners have started to recognise the benefits of log homes, not just as a different way to build, but as providing a healthier living environment. Most of new and second home buyers are now inquiring for natural log due to cost, time to build, as it is shorter, healthier environment and the calming effect a log home offers.

Whether you live in a hot or cold climate, log homes are the best answer for you!

The logs breathe and absorb moisture and discharge continually through out the day or night. The indoor air is always fresh. The great mass of wood balances the temperature variation between different times of the day and maintains steady comfortable temperatures inside the house. In the summer a log home is comfortably cool and in the winter steadily warm. Log homes help to regulate the humidity of indoor air and keep it optimal for healthy living. It has been noted people with allergies or asthmatics living in log homes have less problems and symptoms than people living in concrete or stone regarding dust and other causes.

Wooden surfaces give a calming effect helping to create a comfortable atmosphere in the home or log structure. Log homes can easily be combined with stone or plastered walls to implement elegance and style in your log home to suit your taste and requirement.

International institutes have continually tested for fire safety of a log home and implemented a fire standard test in which log homes prove to withstand better than some other construction methods. The manufacturing process of logs also meets the high standards required by EU regulations.

Earthquake resistance is another unique feature of log homes.

The log home has the ability to absorb and move with the tremors of an earthquake making it a safe material for construction, more than any other. Our unique log homes are delivered worldwide, we are offering as well advice on products and services world wide. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any assistance.

best home in the world
best home in the world
best home in the world
best home in the world
best home in the world