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If you're among the growing number of women in India who want to get your lips right, so these tips lips care to get exactly want you need. Here are some essential tips you can not do without.

Many of us are used to apply this highly visible part of the face of indifferent treatment. Men just do not care, and women spend on which products you can get your hands on compromising a lot to think about things.

Getting them to look good so can dramatically improve the appearance. The researchers found that the size of someone's lips is a key role in determining if they are sexually attractive to others.

A BBC article quoted a health psychologist to explain that men like women with big lips (not too big if), while medium-sized companies are probably better in men. No cause for alarm if you do not meet the above classification.

A large crowd of cosmetics have made it easier than ever to play this important part of our faces. As a woman in India, it is time for you to see exactly what you want!

* Moisturize

Never underestimate the importance of a good lip balm. They help to moisten the tactile sensory organ, so they look good all day, even without cosmetics.

A good organic lip balm will do wonders in the prevention of cracked and give a healthy glow. Some balms contain as Neutrogena SPF, so you can get the sun without having to worry. While opting for a balm, it is best to go organic or natural balms because they contain less chemicals. These balms are a great option for men and women in India.

* Lip Gloss

For those who want a simple look, shadows instead of lipstick are a good alternative. They add brightness and is perfect for casual settings and semi-formal. As do most luscious gloss, thicker women should generally avoid overspending.

Good gloss applied on top of the balm, give them a shiny appearance, and highlights the face, even if you do not have makeup. Give it a shot!

* Lipstick

Most of us go wrong when choosing a suitable color lipstick. The right shade is very critical. Indians with light skin usually have more options. They can choose the brightest of pink and peach.

Those of us with darker skin tones look a lot nicer coffee or caramel. good sound and the skin is one that is just a tad deeper than your lip color. It 's a good idea to experiment with shades of a beauty salon and cosmetics store before you buy these products often expensive cosmetics.

You can apply a shadow on the lower lip to see if it is slightly more than the natural color of your upper lip. If yes, you've found the perfect shade for lips perfect kiss and attractive.

The best way is to look after them with a good moisturizing conditioner. If you want to choose a more accurate picture, an outline in pencil. This is generally a lighter shade of lipstick. Once installed, add a little 'to hide, if you want a glossy appearance.

Essential tips for caring for the lips of India