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Nails and other body parts, require daily care. This involves washing the delicate area around the nail, gentle massage and periodic treatment with a special oil or cream, bath and nails.

Massage cuticle area is very soft brush, first with soap or glycerine soap for children. It 's easy to peel, to free the inner surface of flakes of dead skin and, more importantly, prevents the formation of unsightly cracks, which can then hide the dirt.

Before going to sleep around always dry the oil of cloves. If hands are being or have been devastating to the gardens or repair is preferable to use a special oil to the cuticle.

If the cuticle is in good condition, instead of butter, hand cream regularly. The application of the cream of the cuticle of active movements of massage stimulates blood circulation and wonderfully soft nail bed all irregularities and small bumps.

In the final agreement promassiruyte nails squeezed half a lemon, which has been softened and bleaching properties.

In addition to growth in the cuticle, resulting in careless attitude to nails long for other problems - the growth of burr.

If the skin around the nail begins to coarse only help the daily bath with hot olive oil. But if there are bad tears in the corners of the nails, you should take immediate action. Now in need of special pliers to remove any burrs that can be used after a hot bath to drink soda. Do not move the burrs - they start to bleed, which can lead to infections. If no tears, but the skin is rough, nothing but sand he saw.

To strengthen nails themselves, you can use paraffin baths and the strengthening of lacquer. Help brittle nails painted with calcium, fiber - fruit acid. If the nail is broken, it is sufficient to cover the cracks with a special material to seal and cover the nails are broken, and the main cause of the common base for paint or a special gel to heal the artificial nails.

Paraffin is also a beneficial effect on the cuticle and dry skin returned to its smoothness, softness and well-groomed appearance. The procedure should be carried out in paraffin manicure sessions to improve the appearance of nails and skin.

Often the appearance of nails, a lack of blood flow. To remove this phenomenon is true for self-massage - a very simple and effective. Make can be 2-3 times a day for 3-4 minutes.

Place your hand on the table, or thigh with his free hand to his career, ranging from nail phalanges in the direction of the wrist joint. To do this 3-4 times. Then, in the lateral direction of the hand mass itself 5-6 times. Repeat for other arm.

Since the passage grinding. Its implementation is a bit 'to squeeze into a fist and the fingers get in the middle of the phalanges of the fingers, rubbing them against each other from top to bottom, and gradually move to the terminal phalanx, where the nails. It continues with the direction of rubbing back and forth. When you do this exercise is good if you rub the nail phalanx, should be pulled in a little fist, and when you rub in the middle - a bit 'of their contract. When the massage with a scrub brush, and then massage strokes with a brush.

Do not forget the bath salts help. For them, preferably sea salt without flavor additives. Dissolve in hot water and a teaspoon of salt (no slides) and hold hands for 20 minutes. The procedure was repeated 10 consecutive days. A month later, may be repeated. But enough do to avoid a salt bath once a week. Regularly with the above complex, will soon give excellent results with nails, giving them the health and shine.

How to make a manicure at home.

1. Removing the old varnish.

2. Given the shape of the free edge of the nail by nail, with a very fine abrasive. The direction of movement from the edge toward the center.

3. Apply the product to reduce or eliminate the cuticle. Keep away from the skin using a wooden stick. If the cuticle is very thin, rib sticks wrapped with a thin layer of cotton.

4. Paid fix your type of nails - firming, hydrating, vitaminiziruyuschee and let dry.

5. Paid a base coats.

6. A few minutes later cut the nails from the base to free edge. First, near the central part of the nail, then - the board. Repeat.

7. coverage increases caused.

Nails Design

Today, nail design in classrooms - are:

Aquarium Design

Nail Art - Nail Art

Nail Design - the ability to design

The volume has increased the complexity of the design

Nail design - fancy painting

Holographic Nail

Correction of nails - acrylic, gel

There is nothing wrong!

As with any cosmetic procedure, nails have a series of cons-indications: First, it is not recommended for strengthening the nails on antibiotics or chemotherapy. At this point in the human body is acetone, promotes the release of nails. Second, the absolute (even temporarily) to build a cons-indicated fungal infections of nails. And thirdly, before the cuticle procedure must not be damaged. Manicures better to do two or three days before or after the procedure, and not just construction. Plots not impose such restrictions.

In Focus - Gel

Gel through which transformed the nail, is a sticky viscous mass. He is one, two and three phases. The number of phases depends on how many times (one to three) of gel nails and covered many times after the coating is placed under an ultraviolet lamp, which is under the influence of frost freezer for 2-3 minutes. Transparent gel gives a natural color, but when combined with a white can make a "jacket".

When creating forms, a special form that is provided under the free edge of the nail and secure. After the hand is placed under the lamp, and the gel solidifies. Then remove the form and attach the nails to desired length and shape.

By strengthening their boards attached to the nails first, then apply the gel and act the same way as when working with a single gel.

These nails are worn, an average of two or three weeks, after which the correction is made. If the gel is caused by nails, to adjust the edge of the nail and the nail length zapilivaetsya value, about half - the thickness and the remaining half of the first procedure is the same capacity (gel phase, a single layer, the 'use of gel-phase is only applies to the third floor). The presence of TIPS is bound by its length and corrections to the application of a new layer of gel. Thinner gel is removed, so the masters of using nails or hardware attachments. File down the gel (including tips) and, if a person wants to return to the original, natural state of my nails. Demonstrate initiative, using scissors, and saws are not recommended for control - you can make your nails and surrounding tissues, serious injury.

The procedure for freezing and construction takes approximately two to three hours.

Why resin nails

Resin used in nail is very little in common with the resin of natural origin. The chemical composition is similar to gel in practice the difference in him. As the resin gel is one, two and three phases (three phase possible, for example in the future to cover the enamel without a basic question, because the third level of protection for the other two, and the material is not stained). The resin also hardens when exposed to ultraviolet light - hand made lamp about two minutes. Resin as the gel can be spread nails and tips. The process is similar to gel. EQ is about once every two or three weeks.

Acrylic Style

Acrylic - close enough for the gel, also belonging to the family of acrylates. But he has other physical properties - instead of a layer of acrylic freeze by itself, without the involvement of a UV lamp.

There are several types of acrylic nails. The most classic of them - "jacket." Do not give to his popularity and "Beverly Hills" (in this case, keeping the tip of a rose is white, but of course the natives). pink nail bed and clarity. This combination allows you to create a combination of a clear liquid with colored powders.

If you have a good acrylic nails applied directly on the surface, giving the flat nail extensions. misshapen or bitten nails need to adjust the size and shape, while maintaining the original length (otherwise, this procedure is often affected than men, whose hands are always visible). Capacity has been completed and the use of tips (for example, if there is practically no freeboard, which you can attach form). How is the capacity of the gel method.

After the application of acrylic nails zapilivaetsya limit their nails, so that later, when otrastet, the intersection has been the vision ugly.

This correction is necessary to nail about every three weeks: the length and thickness zapilivayutsya half, then again layer acrylic - and everything falls into place. In performing the correction has always supported the highlight of the construction: the tip and the cuticle must be thin and the medium - the thickness of the nail is not broken. Remove nails is simple: cut the free end, where the fingers fall into a special liquid that dissolves acrylic.

Acrylic nails and feet. Usually maintain their own length, and short nails, to some extent. In general, the correction of the nails require less frequent than in the hands: sometimes a building is sufficient for the entire summer - that is, the period during which most of this procedure is necessary.

Nails on the legs are not only a decorative function. Use it to correct ingrown toenail. Since the acrylic nails that held him not to lean over and shoots him in the right position.

Artificial nails can be painted lacquer classical recommend removing liquids bezatsetonovymi. According to teachers, can survive on those nail lacquer for a while. Shine on natural nails seem conducive to take off nail polish. Artificial turf does not produce anything. External influences in this case practically no role.

If you want or need artificial nails can rasp melkoabrazivnymi (in any case, the iron!) Cutting and grinding.

ability to properly conducted, and additional correction and elimination of artificial surfaces nails are not harmful.

Carefully, not only take care of the skin of the hands, but also the nails, the appearance of which indicates the health of the human body. The nails are horny skin formations. With the help of her sweet nature and protect the delicate skin of the fingertip and the nail. Healthy nails should be a beautiful soft pink.

Nails are constantly growing and updating through the cells of the nail bed. Every day, the nail of an adult is elongated by 0.2 mm. Children nails grow faster. If the nail is removed surgically, then return only after 105 days. An interesting fact that fingernails grow faster than legs. In addition, some nails grow faster than others. Nails grow faster in warmer climates, and fingers actively moving - musicians, typists and computer operators.

If you want your nails grow faster, and pay attention to your diet - should be enough, carrots, soy, lactic acid and nail growth seafood contribute iron, calcium, iodine.

During the cold season should definitely wear gloves, not only protects the hand skin dryness and redness, but also to prevent the fragmentation and fragility of the nails.

Sometimes on the surface of the nail plate horizontal lines appear. In general, this should last the disease. The vertical lines on the nails are often transmitted to humans through inheritance. Yellowing of the nails can often be explained by smoking. It can sometimes be caused by a nail. vinegar or lemon grape return nails shine. To do this, soak with vinegar, cotton, clean and shine your nails with a chamois.

To strengthen the nail plate and to prevent separation, and cracking nails, you need a bath from time to time use sunflower or olive oil. Very useful for the skin around the nail to clean the shell with lemon, orange or lemon juice freshly squeezed.

The beneficial effects on the nail beeswax. Apply the following way. Take a small amount of beeswax, is placed in a cup or glass and heated in a water bath. When the wax melts, it should be removed from the fingers, one by one, the wax covered the nail plate. Let the wax and let it harden nails in a position overnight.

Strengthens the hair growth and strengthens the nail plate, jelly, which is necessarily included in the diet. There is no need to use a pure form. The gelatin can be prepared on the basis of many delicious dishes. This gel, mousse, hot soups, fish and meat mothballs.