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I've never really been one of those little girls who dreamed about her wedding and what it would be like, what my dress would look like ect. In fact I was never really sure that I would ever get married. I'm quite the independent with dreams of making it on my own before I get married. I want to be able to bring my share of the bacon home. However, roughly two years ago my sister got married and I was the maid of honor and I watched her plan her wedding from behind her laptop and had a first hand showing of what goes into a wedding. Since then I've been to quite a few weddings and many of my friends are talking of engagement and weddings and some of them are married or are getting married within months. So, after attending a wedding with my boyfriend last weekend I finally started thinking seriously about what I would like my day to be like and here are some really awesome sources of inspiration:

The dress in the middle is absolutely breath taking and I've always loved dresses that have had that nekline

I've always been partial to a garden wedding

I love the seating on the right hand side, perfect for while the appetizers are being served and you are off taking photo's

I just love these decorations and the fushia pink colour

Isn't this cake so much fun? :)

Original bouquets

I love this idea, think I might just use it one day - it has such movement to it

Fun photo ideas, really love this - so going to do it

So cute :)

Love the umbrella's

So, are you one of those girls that has been dreaming of her weeding since she could talk? Or are you a late bloomer like me? Anyone used any of these ideas in their weddings? As always, share your thoughts - Leave a comment :)

