I have had bad skin for many years and as I have gotten older and into my 20's my skin type has changed from oily to sentive, I don't which is more difficult to deal with. hehe. I have an at home ritual that I love to do which helps keep my skin under control no matter what.

I usually see it as giving my self a treat rather than a chore and I get much more enjoyment out of it that way :) So here is my Ultimate At home Facial.....

Step one - Steam

Make sure that you have remover all your make up with a make up remover and you have a bare face. Fill a  large bowl or a basin with boiling hot water. I like to add essential oils such as lavender and tea tree, both are excellent for the skin, to enrich the steam. Next get a towel and lean over the steaming water with the towel over your head. Keep your eyes closed and breath through your mouth. Don't put your face to close to the steam and stay there for 2-3mins, as long as you can.

Step two - Tone
After your steam you will notice that your pores have really opened up. Take advatage of this and carefully remover any and all pimples that are ready to come out. Place either a piece of cotton wool or toilet paper over your index fingers and gently apply pressure to either side of the blemish till all of it is out. Wipe the area clean so as not to spread the infection. When all of the blemished have been removed, using either a toner or rose water, swab your face removing all the steam and persperation and bacteria. This also helps to close the pores bit after being opened up by the steam.

Step three - Purify
Next, apply a purifying mask to any areas where you have enlarged or clogged pores. Common areas are the nose, chin and forehead. This will help to extract the dirt that has accumulated from everyday living. Leave it in for as long as the bottle/packet recommends. When the time is up gently rinse the mask off with warm water. Next using cotton wool and your ndex fingers gently apply pressure to the areas to empty the pores of the dirt and oil build up. Apply as much pressure as need ot remove everything. You would be suprised as how much of a difference it makes especially to the look of the nose when the pores are cleaned out. No more unsightly enlarged pores. Remember to wipe the area so the dirt and oil doesn't reinfect or clog your skin.

Step four - Mask

 I have sensitive, dehydrated skin that is totally unmanagable if I don't use the right products so always make sure that you use the products that are relevant for your skin type. At this point I apply a hydrationg moisture mask by Almay which has been an absolute life saver for me. However, you should find a mask that suits your skin type and needs. Apply the mask as instructed on the packaging and relax for 10-15mins while it works its magic.

Step five - Moisturize
Gently splash your face with warm water to the remove the mask and pat dry. After cleaning your skin you need to moisturize. If you want to have healthy plump skin hydration and moisture is key. According to your skin type use the moisturizer of your choice. Apply liberarly to the skin and massage in using upward strokes. I really believe that this is a beauty product on which you should spend time finding the best one for your skin and also be prepared to spend a little money.

Do yo have a facial treatment that you swear by? Do you rather go the extra mile and go to the salon for facials? What are your thoughts? Let me know by leaving a comment :)

Have an inspirational day 

