In the month of December *eLLa* iNsPiReD is going to be hosting a Blog Carnival.

Theme: Best of the Blogisphere

Time: 10 AM  (Time Zone +2:00)

Date: 1 December 2009

Place: *eLLa* iNsPiReD


So, how it works is that anyone and everyone can submit articles that fit with the theme. The theme, Best of the Blogisphere, means that the article are going to be the favourite and most populr articles from your blog that readers go back and read over and over or are the type of post people print out and use as a resource. New, never been posted before articles are most welcome. I'm looking for a mix of fun and frivolous, informational and even a little serious. Any format is accepted, lists, point form, poems, quotes, pictures, long article, short articles. Each posts with have your blogs name and URL prominently displayed at the top of the post giving the writer full credit. 

 - All articles will be read and selected by me
 - Not all articles will be posted
 - Please state the date and URL of the post at the top of your entry
 - Please state clearly if the article is a newly written, never before published piece
 - Each blog may submit no more than 10 posts
 - Each participant must write a short post during the month of December stating that they are taking part

All entries must be emailed to me at You can either attach the post in word format or list all your entries with their specific URL next to it. I will inform all applicants of the article I am going to post and the dates they will be posted. Only posts received prior to the closing date will be featured.


I really hope all of you will take part, am looking forward to seeimg all your entries. This is a great opprtunityto get your blog out there to new readers. What do you think of the idea? Are you going to take part?