I've always loved taking photo's simply for the fun factor and that you can then have those memories forever. I love having photo's to show for all the fun times. I have recently however stopped taking photo's as much which is not a good thing. But then today I discovered PROJECT 365 - basically what it is, is a type of social networking site but instead of updating your status you upload one photo for everyday of the year and at the end you have a year in your life in photo's :)

I personally think its a fab idea and can't wait to get started. Its really going to push me to start taking photo's again and what an awesome keepsake to have, your year photo by photo so you don't forget a day.

I have 10 invites to give away to the first 10 readers who post a comment here asking to be invited. Simply leave your email address and don't forget to add me as a friend when you join! 

Have an inspirational day
