Advertise here.....

Advertising on *eLLa* is mainly run through Project Wonderful using their fabulous infinite auction model. Rates are low and vary depending on size and placement. Access to stats and bidding info is available here.

*eLLa* has also joined Indie Style Media so if you would like to advertise through them and their cost per 1000 impressions scheme click here.

I realize the value of a tailored advertising package and encourage those interested to inquire. Rates are available upon request and run on a schedule of a 1 to 3 month campaign. So please contact me at: *eLLa*

I am also always interested in reviewing products as long as it is relevant to my readers and I believe in the product or site. I will only consider doing a paid review if it is a product that I believe in and is relevant to my readers. I reserve the right not to post a review at all. Trading merchandise for ad space is most welcome. I would be particularly interested in reviewing products of companies who are opening stores or bring products to South Africa.

For a comprehensive statistical report detailing the daily, weekly and monthly stats and country visits please contact me at the email address below. 

For any queries please feel free to contact me: